Congregational Faith Formation- It ain't what it used to be but it can still be amazing
A follow-up to the May 2022 Presbytery meeting, this interview with Stephanie Fritz, Mission Coordinator for Christian Formation for the Presbyterian Mission Agency focuses on tips for congregations, especially those struggling with providing opportunities for Faith Formation. Stephanie speaks to the challenges of avoiding burnout in volunteers, how grandparents and older adults can have significant impact on children and youth, the strengths of small congregations, and more. Adult Faith Formation, an interview with Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka. Lifelong Discipleship means growing in faith doesn't stop with confirmation. In this interview, Rodger addresses questions on developing attractive options for adult learners, where to find resources, support for teachers and recruitment tools as well as how to have meaningful conversations about our faith, including with those who have been hurt by the church in the past.
Prayer and Community
One of the essential faith practices lifted up within our denomination is prayer. Among our confessions our Brief Statement of Faith reminds us: "In a broken and fearful world the Spirit gives us courage to pray without ceasing..." Roxanne Rhinehart, an elder at Good Shepherd Trinity in Milwaukee, takes this belief to heart and in this interview shares how prayer in community has impacted her faith journey. For more on ways you can develop or strengthen your own prayer practices check out this resource from the Presbyterian Mission Agency: Practicing Prayer. |
Paying Attention to Grace
A conversation with Scott Samuelson, Associate Pastor at Crossroads Presbyterian Church. As a lifelong disciple, Scott grew up in the church, and along the way he's discovered that his faith keeps evolving and deepening as he attends to the ways in which God's Spirit is at work in his life and ministry and the varying life moments "where grace can seep in." |