When God Creates When God Creates is a four week series featuring texts from Genesis to Revelation that celebrate God's active presence and creative power in the world. The above link will take you to the Presbytery's When God Creates series page which will be updated each week with worship materials (including video sermon link, re-printable/adaptable liturgy, and sermon text) as well as materials for Bible study.
The Minor Leagues: A Series on the Minor Prophets Welcome to the Minor Leagues: A Series on the Minor Prophets! The above link will take you to the Presbytery’s webpage for this series which includes resources for worship and Bible study. Each week (for four weeks) will feature three of the twelve prophets. Worship resources include a complete online service as well as the sermon video, sermon text, and liturgy. You may use these resources however is helpful to you and you have permission to copy and send sermon and liturgy texts (including sources) to members without online access.
Becoming Living Stones For six weeks, these worship services move through a series of readings that link us to the same emotions and questions that the early church had in the time after Jesus’ resurrection. The foundational text for the series is I Peter 2: 4-6 and focuses on the concept of becoming Living Stones. Each service begins with a different biblical translation of this text to convey the sense of journey from an invitation “Come to him, a living stone…” (NRSV) and ending with words of acceptance, “Welcome to the living stone…” (The Message). The six services move in theme from confronting our fear, the things that cause us to trip in our walk with Jesus, and our longing to stay safely away from the world, to a recognition that God is not contained inside walls, but instead God’s house is much larger than just us. We are called to be the church in the world and to be living stones built into a spiritual house.