Going Deeper Inward to Go Better Outward: A conversation with Trish Eckert, pastor at Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church. Trish shares how the ministry of Divine Intervention, begun by a small congregation with deep care for members of its community, has impacted a city of over a half a million. And it starts not by rushing out with an idea to fix and save but by deep inward listening then building relationships of mutual care and respect.
The Game vs The Huddle, a conversation with Chip Hardwick, Synod of the Covenant Exec. Using the football analogies of the huddle and the game, Chip unpacks how congregations engaging the mark of Outward Incarnational Focus are in the game vs. those only focused inward (the huddle). He also shares the creative and life giving ways congregations are exhibiting the vital mark of Outward Incarnational Focus.